缉毒局特工在亚利桑那州格伦代尔的一次行动中向一名嫌疑人开枪,详情尚待确定。 DEA agents shot at a suspect during an operation in Glendale, Arizona; details are pending.
美国毒品局的特工在星期三晚上与亚利桑那州格伦代尔的43号和皮奥里亚大道附近的嫌疑人发生枪击事件. DEA agents were involved in a shooting incident with a suspect in Glendale, Arizona, near 43rd and Peoria avenues on Wednesday night. 应缉毒局的请求,亚利桑那公共安全部正在领导调查。 The Arizona Department of Public Safety is leading the investigation at the request of the DEA. 事件发生在缉毒局在停车场开展行动期间,但尚没有关于受伤和嫌犯的详细情况。 The incident occurred during a DEA operation in a parking lot, but details about injuries and the suspect are not yet available. 故事仍在发展之中。 The story is still developing.