美国边境巡逻队特工在边境附近与墨西哥贩毒集团成员交火。 U.S. Border Patrol agents exchanged gunfire with Mexican drug cartel members near the border.
周一,美国边境巡逻队特工和墨西哥贩毒集团成员在弗龙顿附近的边境交火。 US Border Patrol agents and members of a Mexican drug cartel exchanged gunfire at the border near Fronton on Monday. 该事件发生在卡特尔成员向特工开火时,导致还击。 The incident occurred when cartel members fired at the agents, leading to a return of fire. 报告显示,交火发生在南部边境。 Reports indicate the exchange of gunfire took place at the southern border.