菲尼克斯警察在亚利桑那州的吉尔伯特追逐中枪杀了一名男子,打伤了一名妇女。 Phoenix police fatally shot a man and injured a woman during a pursuit in Gilbert, Arizona.
菲尼克斯警官在亚利桑那州的吉尔贝(Gilbert)追逐一辆卡车后,向一名男子开枪打死一名男子,打伤一名妇女。 据报告,一辆卡车是在违背妇女意愿的情况下扣留一名妇女。 Phoenix police officers fatally shot a man and injured a woman in Gilbert, Arizona, after pursuing a truck reported to be holding a woman against her will. 枪击事件发生在Williams Field和Higley公路上,该车辆是从凤凰城被跟踪的。 The shooting took place on Williams Field and Higley roads after the vehicle was tracked from Phoenix. 关于嫌疑人导致枪击的行动以及他是否持有武器的细节不清楚。 Details about the suspect's actions leading to the shooting and whether he was armed are unclear. 事件正在调查之中,现场附近已关闭道路。 The incident is under investigation, and there have been road closures near the scene. 这是今年在马里科帕县 发生的第四起涉案军官枪击案 This is the fourth officer-involved shooting in Maricopa County this year.