魁北克省调查了蒙特利尔三所学校的有毒环境,同时对世俗主义进行了更广泛的审计。 Quebec investigates three Montreal schools for a toxic environment, amid broader audits on secularism.
蒙特利尔的三所法语学校正在因可能危害教育质量和学生安全的有毒气候受到调查。 Three French-language schools in Montreal are under investigation for a toxic climate that may harm educational quality and student safety. 审计的起因是另一所学校的类似问题,11名教师被停学。 The audits were prompted by similar issues at another school where 11 teachers were suspended. 魁北克省正在就世俗问题对17所学校进行审计,教育部长计划加强世俗条例。 Quebec is conducting audits on 17 schools over secularism concerns, with the Education Minister planning to reinforce secularism regulations.