在严重短缺的情况下,魁北克面临越来越多的未经认证的教师。 Quebec faces a rising number of uncertified teachers amid a severe shortage.
由于严重短缺,魁北克正与越来越多的未经认证的教师打交道。 Quebec is grappling with a growing number of uncertified teachers due to a severe shortage. 12月,公立学校有9 184名无法律资格教师,高于2024年的8 871名和2023年的6 654名。 In December, there were 9,184 non-legally qualified teachers in public schools, up from 8,871 in 2024 and 6,654 in 2023. 这一数字不包括替代品,在2020-21年教育网络中确定了30,000多名无法律约束力合格教师。 This number excludes substitutes, with over 30,000 non-legally qualified teachers identified in the education network in 2020-21. 造成短缺的原因,是教育方案入学率低,以及替代退休教师的困难。 The shortage is driven by low enrollment in education programs and difficulties replacing retiring teachers. 虽然政府提供临时许可证,但由于需求高和薪酬相当,这些教师没有多少动力获得认证。 While the government is offering provisional licenses, there is little incentive for these teachers to become certified due to high demand and comparable pay.