魁北克省调查了两所学院与中东冲突紧张局势有关的安全问题。 Quebec investigates two colleges over safety concerns tied to Middle East conflict tensions.
魁北克教育部将调查两所学院,因为中东冲突引起安全问题。 Quebec's education department will investigate two colleges due to safety concerns stemming from the Middle East conflict. 这次行动是在对据称与中东持续紧张局势有关的校园内敌对环境提出投诉之后采取的。 The move comes after complaints regarding a hostile environment on campus, allegedly linked to the ongoing tensions in the Middle East. 调查旨在确保学生和工作人员安全,并处理与冲突有关的任何问题。 The investigation aims to ensure students and staff are safe and to address any issues related to the conflict.