自行车运动员以安全和包租权为由,就自行车车道驱离问题起诉安大略政府。 Cyclists sue Ontario government over bike lane removal, citing safety and charter rights.
多伦多的自行车运动员在多伦多周期的支持下,就拆除宁格街Bloor街和大学大道的自行车道对安大略省政府提出法律诉讼。 Cyclists in Toronto, backed by Cycle Toronto, have filed a legal challenge against the Ontario government over the removal of bike lanes on Bloor Street, Yonge Street, and University Avenue. 他们认为这一行动违反了《加拿大权利和自由宪章》,侵犯了生命和安全权利。 They argue the move violates the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, infringing on the rights to life and safety. 该团体要求发布禁止令,以防止驱逐,声称这危及骑自行车者和其他道路使用者。 The group seeks an injunction to prevent the removal, claiming it endangers cyclists and other road users.