美国制裁与2020年对80 000个全球防火墙的网络攻击有关的中国公司和雇员。 US sanctions Chinese firm and employee linked to 2020 cyberattack on 80,000 global firewalls.
美国已制裁中国网络安全公司四川静默信息技术公司及其雇员关天丰, 进行2020年网络攻击, 破坏全球超过80,000处防火墙, 包括美国的重要基础设施。 The U.S. has sanctioned Chinese cybersecurity firm Sichuan Silence Information Technology Company and its employee Guan Tianfeng for a 2020 cyberattack that compromised over 80,000 firewalls globally, including critical U.S. infrastructure. 这次攻击涉及部署恶意软件和赎金软件,有可能危及人的生命。 The attack involved deploying malware and ransomware, potentially endangering human life. 司法部已经起诉了关,并对导致他被捕的信息给予1 000万美元的奖励。 The Department of Justice has indicted Guan and offers a $10 million reward for information leading to his arrest.