美国财政部被疑似中国行为者黑客入侵,凸显了网络安全问题。 US Treasury Department hacked by suspected Chinese actors, highlighting cybersecurity concerns.
美国财政部宣布,它遭到国家资助的中国行为者的黑客攻击,这些行为者通过受感染的第三方网络安全服务提供商访问了一些非机密文件和工作站。 The US Treasury Department announced it was hacked by state-sponsored Chinese actors who accessed some unclassified documents and workstations through a compromised third-party cybersecurity service provider. 该漏洞已报告给美国网络安全机构,受影响的系统已下线。 The breach was reported to US cybersecurity agencies, and affected systems have been taken offline. 中国否认了这些指控,称其毫无根据。 China denies the allegations, calling them unfounded. 该事件凸显了人们对美国政府系统面临的网络安全威胁的日益担忧。 The incident highlights growing concerns over cybersecurity threats to US government systems.