最高法院命令各州设立囚室,以便迅速处理罪犯的慈悲请求。 Supreme Court orders states to set up cells for quick handling of convicts' mercy petitions.
最高法院授权各州政府和联邦直辖区设立专门的小组,迅速处理罪犯的赦免请求。 The Supreme Court has mandated that state governments and Union Territories set up dedicated cells to handle mercy petitions from convicts quickly. 这些小组拟在家庭或监狱部门内设立,目的是确保按照政府规定的时间表及时处理请愿书。 These cells, to be established within home or prison departments, aim to ensure timely processing of petitions as per government-set timelines. 法院强调高效沟通,并制定了迅速处理这些案件的准则。 The court emphasized efficient communication and set guidelines for handling these cases promptly.