尼日利亚成立委员会建议赦免, 以缓解新总统执政期间的监狱拥挤。 Nigeria forms committee to recommend pardons to ease prison congestion under new president.
尼日利亚政府已成立一个委员会,建议赦免和宽恕囚犯,以减轻监狱拥挤状况,支持重返社会。 Nigeria's government has formed a committee to recommend pardons and clemency for prisoners, aiming to ease prison congestion and support social reintegration. 根据博拉·蒂努布总统的《新希望议程》,由总检察长领导、包括执法、司法和宗教机构代表在内的总统赦免问题咨询委员会任期四年。 The Presidential Advisory Committee on Prerogative of Mercy, led by the Attorney-General and including representatives from law enforcement, justice, and religious bodies, will serve a four-year term under President Bola Tinubu's Renewed Hope Agenda. 委员会的建议将有助于对符合某些标准的囚犯给予宽大对待,使个人和社会都受益。 The committee's recommendations will help grant clemency to prisoners who meet certain criteria, benefiting both individuals and society.