马来西亚皇宫指示寻求宽恕的囚犯通过赦免委员会提出申请。 Malaysian royal palace directs prisoners seeking clemency to apply through the Pardons Board.
马来西亚皇宫声明,寻求宽恕的囚犯必须直接向国王主持的赦免委员会提出申请。 The Malaysian royal palace has stated that prisoners seeking clemency must apply directly to the Pardons Board, chaired by the king. 根据《联邦宪法》,国王有权赦免、暂停或减轻在吉隆坡、拉布安和普特拉贾亚等联邦领土所犯罪行的刑罚。 According to the Federal Constitution, the king has the power to pardon, suspend, or lighten sentences for offenses in the Federal Territories of Kuala Lumpur, Labuan, and Putrajaya. 囚犯应通过适当渠道提交请求,供董事会审查。 Prisoners should submit their requests through the proper channels for the board's review.