各组织和决策者在刑事司法改革运动中重新审查长期监禁。 Organizations and policymakers re-examine lengthy prison terms amid criminal justice reform movements.
释放长期服刑的囚犯的努力重新得到重视。 Efforts to free inmates serving long sentences gain renewed focus. 在近期刑事司法改革运动的推动下,各种组织和决策者正在重新审查长期监禁的问题。 Various organizations and policymakers are re-examining lengthy prison terms, spurred by recent criminal justice reform movements. 有些案件涉及年轻时被定罪的个人,而另一些案件则涉及根据过时法律被判刑的人。 Some cases involve individuals convicted in their youth, while others involve those sentenced under outdated laws. 在要求更大程度的正义和人道主义的呼声的推动下,争取宽大对待和更公平判刑的运动正在获得势头。 Campaigns for clemency and fairer sentencing are gaining momentum, driven by calls for greater justice and humanitarianism.