印度最高法院命令各州在4周内提供有关开放式监狱系统的信息,以供评估。 India's Supreme Court orders states to provide info on open prison systems within 4 weeks for evaluation.
印度最高法院命令各邦和联邦领土在四周内提供有关其开放式监狱系统的信息。 India's Supreme Court has ordered states and Union Territories to provide information on their open prison systems within four weeks. 开放监狱允许囚犯白天在监狱外工作,晚上返回,目的是改造他们并使他们融入社会。 Open prisons allow inmates to work outside the premises during the day and return in the evening, aiming to rehabilitate and assimilate them into society. 法院的目标是评估这些机构在解决监狱人满为患和改造问题方面的效力。 The court's goal is to evaluate the effectiveness of these institutions in addressing prison overcrowding and rehabilitation issues.