印度比哈尔州的男子杀害妻子,孩子,母亲,并自杀, 引述外遇的嫌疑. Man in Bihar, India, kills wife, children, mother, and self, cites affair suspicion.
在印度比哈尔,一名男子因涉嫌婚外情而杀害了治安官妻子Neetu Kumari及其两个子女及其母亲。 In Bihar, India, a man killed his constable wife, Neetu Kumari, and their two children, along with his mother, over suspicions of an extramarital affair. Pankaj Kumar随后自杀,在现场留下遗书。 Pankaj Kumar then took his own life, leaving a suicide note at the scene. 事件发生在Neetu驻扎的Bhagalpur区的警察分局。 The incident occurred in police quarters in Bhagalpur district, where Neetu was stationed. 警方正在调查此事,并设立了一个特别小组来彻底审查此案。 Police are investigating the matter, with a special team set up to thoroughly examine the case.