家属要求宾夕法尼亚大学博物馆归还MOVE爆炸受害者遗体。 Family members demand University of Pennsylvania museum return remains of MOVE bombing victims.
一名家庭成员和一名市议员要求宾夕法尼亚大学博物馆归还在1985年MOVE爆炸事件中丧生的12岁的Delisha Africa的遗骸。 Family members and a city councilmember are demanding that the University of Pennsylvania's museum return the remains of 12-year-old Delisha Africa, killed in the 1985 MOVE bombing. 博物馆最近发现了Delisha的遗骸 The museum recently discovered Delisha's remains during an inventory. MOVE成员还声称博物馆可能拥有另一个受害者Zanetta Dotson的遗骸。 MOVE members also claim the museum may have the remains of another victim, Zanetta Dotson. 家属和民权律师正在推动遗体的归还,以使受害者能够安息。 The family and civil rights attorneys are pushing for the return of the remains to allow the victims to rest in peace.