洛克比爆炸案的部分残骸将转移到美国进行2025年对一名被指控的轰炸者的审判。 Parts of the Lockerbie bombing wreckage will be moved to the US for the 2025 trial of an alleged bomber.
1988 年造成 270 人死亡的泛美航空 103 号航班洛克比爆炸案的部分残骸将被运往美国,用于 2025 年对被指控制造炸弹的阿布·阿吉拉·马苏德 (Abu Agila Masud) 的审判。 Parts of the wreckage from the 1988 Lockerbie bombing of Pan Am Flight 103, which killed 270 people, will be moved to the US for the 2025 trial of Abu Agila Masud, who is accused of making the bomb. 这项移交是苏格兰和美国之间正式的证据分享进程的一部分,目的是为国家赞助的恐怖袭击的受害者伸张正义。 The transfer is part of a formal evidence-sharing process between Scotland and the US, aiming to bring justice for the victims of the state-sponsored terror attack. 唯一一个先前被定罪的人Abdelbaset al-Megrahi因患绝症而获释后于2012年死亡。 The only person previously convicted, Abdelbaset al-Megrahi, died in 2012 after being released due to terminal cancer.