费城穆特博物馆收到了一个不请自来的包裹,里面有两个胎儿。 Mutter Museum in Philadelphia received an unsolicited package of 2 fetuses.
费城穆特博物馆收到一个神秘包裹,里面装有两个玻璃罐中保存完好的胎儿,费城警察局对此展开调查。 The Mutter Museum in Philadelphia received a mysterious package containing two preserved fetuses in glass jars, leading to an investigation by the Philadelphia Police Department. 该包裹没有回信地址,并包含一封信,声称胎儿遗骸是一位退休医生捐赠的。 The package had no return address and included a letter claiming the fetal remains were a donation from a retired physician. 由于缺乏适当的身份证明以及博物馆禁止接受未经请求的捐赠的政策,当局接到了电话,胎儿被转移到法医办公室进行进一步调查。 Due to the lack of proper identification and the museum's policy against accepting unsolicited donations, the authorities were called, and the fetuses were transferred to the Medical Examiner's Office for further investigation. 该包裹的来源仍然未知。 The source of the package remains unknown.