纽约市确认了911事件受害者遗体, NYC identifies remains of 9/11 victims, providing closure to families after over two decades.
纽约市首席验尸官办公室继续查明9/11受害者遗骸,为等待了20多年的家庭提供答案。 The New York City Office of the Chief Medical Examiner continues to identify remains of 9/11 victims, providing answers to families who have waited for over two decades. 最近Ellen Niven得知她丈夫John的遗体, 22年后被发现。 Recently, Ellen Niven learned of her husband John’s remains, identified after 22 years. 自2001年以来,办事处为确定将近2 800名受害者的姓名进行了不懈的努力,仍有1 000多名受害者的身份不明。 Since 2001, the office has worked tirelessly to name the nearly 2,800 victims, with over 1,000 still unidentified.