寻找Morgan Harris和Marcedes Myran的遗骸始于政府资助的Winnipeg垃圾填埋场。 Search for remains of Morgan Harris and Marcedes Myran begins at Winnipeg landfill, funded by government.
Jeremy Skibicki杀害的两名第一民族妇女Morgan Harris和Marcedes Myran的遗骸已在温尼伯以北的垃圾填埋场开始搜寻。 Search efforts for the remains of Morgan Harris and Marcedes Myran, two First Nations women killed by Jeremy Skibicki, have begun at a landfill north of Winnipeg. Skibicki于2022年5月承认处置了他们在那里的遗体,正在服无期徒刑。 Skibicki, who admitted to disposing of their remains there in May 2022, is serving a life sentence. 各省和联邦政府各自承诺投入2 000万美元,为搜索提供资金,这涉及人工筛选废物。 The provincial and federal governments each committed $20 million to fund the search, which involves manually sifting through waste. 这项行动可能持续到明年,目的是找到并收回这些妇女遗骸。 The operation, which could last into next year, aims to locate and recover the women's remains.