41岁的Markita Renea Hutton的尸体被发现在烧焦的棚子里,死因待定。 41-year-old Markita Renea Hutton's remains found in burned shed, cause of death pending.
通过DNA分析,在阿拉巴马州伯明翰烧焦的棚子里发现的人类遗骸被确定为41岁的Markita Renea Hutton。 Human remains found in a burned shed in Birmingham, Alabama, have been identified as 41-year-old Markita Renea Hutton through DNA analysis. 在4月3日发生火灾后,4月4日发现了遗骸。 The remains were discovered on April 4, following a fire on April 3. 伯明翰消防局长办公室正在调查火灾原因 伯明翰警察局正在调查赫顿的死因 The Birmingham Fire Marshal's Office is investigating the fire's cause, while the Birmingham Police Department is looking into Hutton's death, with the cause of death pending further lab results.