路易斯安那州Avondale的疏散行动 跟踪疑似煤气泄漏 发生在致命爆炸后几周 Evacuations in Avondale, Louisiana, follow a suspected gas leak, coming just weeks after a fatal explosion.
路易斯安那州Avondale的居民因疑似煤气泄漏正在疏散, Residents in Avondale, Louisiana, are being evacuated due to a suspected gas leak, just one week after a gas explosion killed an 87-year-old woman and injured five others. 根据瓦斯气味报告,撤离涉及8个住所。 The evacuation involves eight residences, following reports of a gas odor. 联邦机构正在调查这一事件,Atmos能源公司负责当地煤气基础设施。 This incident is under investigation by federal agencies, with Atmos Energy responsible for the local gas infrastructure.