叙利亚基督徒参加阿萨德后的第一个星期日服务,测试新的统治者对少数族裔的保护。 Syrian Christians attend first Sunday services post-Assad, testing new rulers' minority protections.
巴沙尔·阿萨德下台后, 叙利亚基督徒在几周内首次参加星期日服务, 标志着对新统治者承诺保护少数族群权利的考验。 After Bashar Assad's ouster, Syrian Christians attended their first Sunday services in weeks, marking a test of the new rulers' promises to protect minority rights. 联合国特使敦促解除制裁,以协助叙利亚的恢复。 The United Nations envoy urged the lifting of sanctions to aid Syria’s recovery. 虽然人们持谨慎乐观态度,但挑战依然存在,包括经济困难和需要有一个治理国家的明确愿景。 While there is cautious optimism, challenges remain, including economic hardships and the need for a clear vision for governing the country.