作为向新西兰学生提供早餐的15年方案的一部分,两名长期志愿者荣获荣誉。 Two longtime volunteers are honored as part of a 15-year-old program providing breakfast to New Zealand students.
在新西兰陶兰加的Merivale学校,几十年来,长期志愿者Sandy Gilligan和Bev Joblin每周两次向学生提供早餐。 At Merivale School in Tauranga, New Zealand, long-time volunteers Sandy Gilligan and Bev Joblin have been serving breakfast to students twice a week for decades. 他们对 " 开胃早餐方案 " 的献身服务(这是该方案15周年)得到了认可,因为该方案培养了社区意识,确保学生开始吃饱饭,准备学习。 Their dedicated service to the KickStart Breakfast programme, which marks its 15th anniversary, has been recognized for fostering a sense of community and ensuring students start their day well-fed and ready to learn. 该方案由社会发展部和全国4 000多名志愿者支助,自启动以来,已经为7 000多万份早餐提供了服务。 The programme, supported by the Ministry of Social Development and over 4,000 volunteers nationwide, has served over 70 million breakfasts since its start.