超过半数的爱尔兰教师报告说,由于生活费用的压力,学生常常不吃早餐就抵达。 Over half of Irish teachers report students often arrive without breakfast due to cost of living pressures.
Kellogg的一项新研究表明,半数以上的爱尔兰教师经常看到学生不吃早餐就上学,生活危机的代价影响到他们在家获得早饭的机会。 A new study by Kellogg's reveals that over half of Irish teachers see students arriving at school without breakfast very often, with the cost of living crisis affecting access to morning meals at home. 教师指出,早餐俱乐部缓解了这一问题,提高了准时性、能源水平、课堂参与和出勤率。 Teachers note that breakfast clubs mitigate this issue, improving punctuality, energy levels, classroom participation, and attendance. Kellogg通过年度财政捐款支持这些方案。 Kellogg's supports these programs through annual financial contributions.