Brighter Beginnings Bus 由一项价值 25,000 澳元的新合作伙伴关系支持,帮助 60 多名纽卡斯尔儿童提供交通和护理服务。 Brighter Beginnings Bus, supported by a new $25,000 partnership, aids over 60 Newcastle children with transport and care.
自2017年以来,由Livefree项目运营的"光明起点"巴士一直为纽卡斯尔的60多名儿童提供可靠的交通,营养早餐和健康检查. The Brighter Beginnings Bus, run by the Livefree Project, has been providing reliable transportation, nutritious breakfasts, and wellbeing checks to over 60 children in Newcastle since 2017. 校车在社区、赞助和捐款的资助下,在五所当地学校的4万余人次中途退学。 Funded by the community, sponsorships, and donations, the bus has made over 40,000 drop-offs at five local schools. 与Orica建立为期12个月的新伙伴关系,涉及25 000美元的捐款,将有助于支付一辆公共汽车的费用,为面临家庭暴力和社会孤立等逆境的儿童和家庭提供支助。 A new 12-month partnership with Orica, involving a $25,000 contribution, will help cover the cost of one bus run, supporting children and families facing adversity such as domestic violence and social isolation.