印度尼西亚的婚嫁业因结婚率下降而受到损害,因为年轻成年人将职业和教育列为优先事项。 Indonesia's wedding industry suffers as marriage rates drop due to young adults prioritizing careers and education.
印度尼西亚结婚率下降,去年只有157万对夫妇结婚,低于2018年的200多万。 The Indonesian wedding industry is struggling as marriage rates drop, with only 1.57 million couples marrying last year, down from over 2 million in 2018. 青年成年人正在优先考虑职业、教育和较高的生活费用而不是婚姻,将平均结婚年龄提高到22.3岁。 Young adults are prioritizing careers, education, and higher living costs over marriage, pushing the average marriage age up to 22.3 years. 尽管存在这些挑战,亲密的、个性化的婚礼可以提供增长的机会,行业参与者注重有针对性的服务和数字营销,吸引年轻夫妇。 Despite these challenges, intimate, personalized weddings could offer opportunities for growth, with industry players focusing on tailored services and digital marketing to attract younger couples.