所罗门群岛的调查显示,该国大力支持将法定结婚年龄从15岁提高到18岁,以结束童婚。 Solomon Islands survey shows strong support for raising legal marriage age from 15 to 18 to end child marriage.
所罗门群岛的调查显示,该国大力支持将法定结婚年龄从15岁提高到18岁。 Survey in Solomon Islands shows strong support for raising the legal marriage age from 15 to 18. 200多名参与者(包括儿童、青年和成年人)支持终止童婚。 Over 200 participants, including children, youth, and adults, backed ending child marriage. 目前,每5个女孩中就有1个在18岁之前结婚,农村地区结婚率较高。 Currently, one in five girls marries before 18, with rates higher in rural areas. 所罗门群岛法律改革委员会正在审查该法,并审议有关建议,包括年龄核实、同意证明以及防止童婚的教育方案。 The Solomon Islands Law Reform Commission is reviewing the law and considering recommendations including age verification, proof of consent, and an education program to prevent child marriage.