卫生专家警告潜在的H5N1禽流感大流行,敦促采取预防措施。 Health experts warn of potential H5N1 bird flu pandemic, urging precautionary measures.
四名卫生专家警告说,由于H5N1禽流感病毒在野生鸟类、哺乳动物和家禽中蔓延,可能会发生大流行病。 Four health experts warn of a potential pandemic due to the H5N1 bird flu virus, which has spread among wild birds, mammals, and poultry. 他们批评决策者重蹈COVID-19和SARS的覆辙,指出该病毒通过空气传播的能力。 They criticize decision-makers for repeating past mistakes with COVID-19 and SARS, noting the virus's ability to transmit through the air. 专家们强调有必要采取预防性做法,包括使用空气清洁剂和N95呼吸器,以保护公共卫生和保健工作者。 The experts stress the need for a precautionary approach, including the use of air cleaners and N95 respirators, to protect public health and healthcare workers.