克赖斯特彻奇警方因涉嫌违反网上酒精广告规定, 申请吊销南岛新世界商店的酒类执照。 Police in Christchurch seek liquor license suspension for South Island New World stores due to alleged online alcohol advertising violations.
由于涉嫌违反网络酒精广告规则, 新西兰克赖斯特彻奇警方要求暂停南岛新世界商店的酒类许可证. Police in Christchurch, NZ seek liquor license suspension for South Island New World stores due to alleged ongoing violations of online alcohol advertising regulations. 克赖斯特彻奇地区法院举行为期两天的听证会,重点是大多数商店违反《酒精销售和供应法》关于特许场所25%折扣限额的规定。 A two-day hearing in the Christchurch District Court focuses on the majority of stores violating the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act's 25% discount limit in licensed premises. 争议源于DB出口啤酒的26.1%折扣广告。 The controversy stems from a 26.1% discount ad for DB Export Beer. 所有者Jeremy Rooney声称不知道该广告的非法性以及追踪18 000个产品价格的挑战。 Owner Jeremy Rooney claimed unawareness of the ad's illegality and the challenge of tracking 18,000 products' prices.