叙利亚总理提议和平移交权力以结束该国冲突。 Syria's Prime Minister offers to transfer power peacefully to end the country's conflict.
叙利亚总理已宣布政府准备和平地向反对派移交权力,以结束长期冲突。 Syrian Prime Minister has announced the government's readiness to transfer power to the opposition peacefully, aiming to end the long-standing conflict. 虽然这标志着朝向一项决议的重大转变,但仍不清楚这一宣言是否会获得支持并转化为具体行动。 While this marks a significant shift towards a resolution, it remains unclear if this declaration will gain support and translate into concrete actions. 总理强调了他对国家的承诺,提出了通往稳定与和平的潜在道路。 The prime minister emphasized his commitment to the country, suggesting a potential path towards stability and peace.