叙利亚的阿萨德政权倒台, 引起人们对HTS民兵崛起中民主道路的怀疑。 Syria's Assad regime falls, raising doubts about the path to democracy amid HTS militia's rise.
阿萨德政权的垮台标志着叙利亚内战的重大变化,但通往民主的道路仍然不确定。 The fall of Syria's Assad regime marks a significant shift in the country's civil war, but the path to democracy remains uncertain. 胜利的HTS民兵试图治理该地区,但对于其对包容性和民主原则的承诺,却面临怀疑。 The victorious HTS militia seeks to govern the region but faces skepticism over its commitment to inclusivity and democratic principles. 尽管承诺建立一个以自由和平等为基础的新国家,但人们担心逊尼派伊斯兰国家可能会出现。 Despite promises of a new state based on freedom and equality, fears exist that a Sunni Islamist state may emerge instead. 冲突初期西方不干预使叙利亚的未来落入复杂的教派和地缘政治势力的手中,使最初的民主改革希望蒙上阴影。 Western non-intervention early in the conflict has left Syria's future in the hands of complex sectarian and geopolitical forces, overshadowing initial hopes for democratic reform.