研究表明,以植物为基础的高纤维饮食可能会减慢高危患者的多种骨髓瘤增量。 Study suggests high-fiber, plant-based diet may slow multiple myeloma progression in at-risk patients.
纪念Sloan Keving癌症中心的研究人员发现,高纤维植物基饮食可能会延缓多种骨髓瘤(一种罕见的血癌)的进化。 Researchers at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center found that a high-fiber, plant-based diet may delay the progression of multiple myeloma, a rare blood cancer. 在一项有20名风险参与者的临床试验中,饮食导致生活质量、胰岛素抗药性、肠道健康和炎症的显著改善。 In a clinical trial with 20 at-risk participants, the diet led to significant improvements in quality of life, insulin resistance, gut health, and inflammation. 一年之后,没有一个参与者进入了骨髓瘤,两个参与者的疾病轨迹得到改善。 None of the participants progressed to myeloma after a year, and two showed improved disease trajectory. 鼠类研究也支持了这些研究结果,44%的老鼠在饮食方面没有进展到骨髓瘤。 Mouse studies also supported these findings, with 44% of mice on the diet not progressing to myeloma.