红肉和糖的过度消费与肠癌风险增加有关,特别是在年轻人中。 Red meat and sugar overconsumption linked to increased bowel cancer risk, particularly in young adults.
新的研究将红肉和食糖过度消费与肠癌风险增加联系起来,特别是在青年中。 New research links red meat and sugar overconsumption to an increased bowel cancer risk, particularly among young adults. 1990年代初至2018年间,联合王国25-49岁青少年的肠癌诊断增加了22%。 Bowel cancer diagnoses among 25-49 year-olds in the UK rose by 22% between the early 1990s and 2018. 美国临床瘤学会的一项研究发现,50岁以下的肠癌患者中酸盐含量较低,这表明饮食改变可能有助于降低风险. A study at the American Society of Clinical Oncology found lower citrate levels in those under 50 with bowel cancer, suggesting dietary changes could help lower the risk.