新西兰坎特伯雷大火、部队撤离和迅速不断的应急反应。 Large fires in Canterbury, New Zealand, force evacuations and prompt ongoing emergency responses.
新西兰坎特伯雷的大规模植被火灾促使人们疏散了西梅尔顿附近的农村家园和一个大篷车公园。 Large vegetation fires in Canterbury, New Zealand, have prompted evacuations of rural homes and a caravan park near West Melton. 周日晚上9点左右报告,大火由高风助燃,范围大约为1公里x1公里。 Reported around 9 p.m. Sunday, the fire, fueled by high winds, covered about 1km x 1km. 12辆车的消防和应急人员在夜间工作,以控制火灾。 Fire and Emergency crews with 12 vehicles worked overnight to contain it. 居民被允许星期一返回,但被警告要准备再次撤离。 Residents were allowed to return Monday but warned to be ready to evacuate again. 四架直升机将于星期一开始运作,以更好地评估火灾的规模。 Four helicopters will start operating Monday to better assess the fire's size.