消防员和直升机正在与北坎特伯雷切维奥特地区 100 公顷的灌木丛大火搏斗,火势已经越过胡鲁努伊河。 Firefighters and helicopters battle a 100-hectare scrub fire in North Canterbury's Cheviot region, with the blaze having already crossed the Hurunui River.
消防队员和直升机正在切维奥特附近的北坎特伯雷扑灭一场大火。 Firefighters and helicopters are battling a large scrub blaze in North Canterbury, near Cheviot. 周六下午 1 点左右,火灾已烧毁约 100 公顷的植被。 The fire, which has already burned through around 100 hectares of vegetation, was alerted to around 1pm on Saturday. 来自多个地点的消防和紧急救援人员正在现场,火势已经越过了胡鲁努伊河,但希望一座大山能够减缓火势。 Fire and Emergency crews from multiple locations are at the scene, with the fire having already jumped the Hurunui River but hopes that a large hill will slow it down.