在新西兰的Snodgrass路附近发生火灾,导致10所房屋疏散。 Fire breaks out near Snodgrass Road in New Zealand, leading to the evacuation of ten homes.
在新西兰Te Puna的Snodgras路附近爆发了一场大规模的植被火灾,促使10所房屋撤离。 A large vegetation fire broke out near Snodgrass Road in Te Puna, New Zealand, prompting the evacuation of ten homes. 消防队和新西兰紧急部队以16名机组人员和1架直升机作出反应,努力防火,使3.5公里防火带受到影响。 Fire and Emergency New Zealand responded with 16 crews and a helicopter, working to contain the fire, which affected 3.5 km of shelter belt. 建议居民关上窗户和门以避免烟雾。 Residents were advised to close windows and doors to avoid smoke. 晚上火势被控制住,被疏散者获准返回家园。 The fire was contained by evening, and evacuees were allowed to return home.