百日咳(百日咳)在Butte学校区和Atascadero中学确诊;有症状的学生应隔离。 Pertussis, or whooping cough, confirmed in Butte School District and Atascadero High School; students with symptoms should isolate.
Butte学校区和Atascadero高中报告证实有百日咳或百日咳病例。 Butte School District and Atascadero High School report confirmed cases of pertussis, or whooping cough. 症状开始像一种常见的感冒, 向严重咳嗽进发 能够诱发呕吐。 Symptoms start like a common cold, progressing to severe coughing fits that can induce vomiting. 接种疫苗的人可能仍会感染该疾病,但症状较轻. Vaccinated individuals may still contract the illness but experience milder symptoms. 有症状的学生应留在家中咨询保健服务提供者。 Students with symptoms should stay home and consult a healthcare provider. 被确诊者在接受5天抗生素后,可以返回学校。 Those diagnosed can return to school after five days of antibiotics.