密歇根报告百日咳病例激增,敦促接种疫苗防治疫情。 Michigan reports a surge in whooping cough cases, urging vaccinations to combat the outbreak.
密歇根卫生官员报告百日咳(百日咳)病例显著增加,截至10月28日,确诊或可能病例为830例,超过了前几年的平均数。 Michigan health officials report a notable increase in whooping cough (pertussis) cases, with 830 confirmed or probable cases as of October 28, surpassing previous years' averages. 该疾病构成严重风险,特别是对婴儿而言。 The disease poses serious risks, especially for infants. 卫生官员强调,按照疾控中心的建议,为所有年龄组群体接种疫苗的重要性,以帮助控制疫情的爆发。 Health officials stress the importance of vaccinations for all age groups, as recommended by the CDC, to help control the outbreak. 早期症状类似感冒,但可以升级为严重咳嗽。 Early symptoms resemble a cold, but can escalate to severe coughing fits.