菲律宾百日咳病例 1,112 例,儿童死亡 54 例;卫生部敦促为婴儿接种疫苗。 1,112 pertussis cases, 54 child deaths in the Philippines; DOH urges vaccination for infants.
菲律宾卫生部报告称,该国百日咳病例显著增加,已累计确诊 1,112 例,死亡 54 例,患者均为五岁以下儿童。 The Philippines' Department of Health (DOH) reported a significant increase in pertussis cases, also known as whopping cough, in the country, with 1,112 cases and 54 deaths, all of which are children under the age of five. 这种疾病传染性极强,通过咳嗽或打喷嚏产生的飞沫传播。 The disease is highly contagious and spreads through droplets produced by coughing or sneezing. 卫生部已敦促父母为六周大的婴儿接种疫苗以预防这种疾病。 The DOH has urged parents to vaccinate their infants as young as six weeks old to prevent the disease.