Oakwood市学校区提醒家长注意,随着Dayton和Montgomery县病例增加,初中和高中学生可能患百日咳。 Oakwood City School District alerts parents of possible whooping cough exposure in junior high and high school students, as cases rise in Dayton and Montgomery County.
俄亥俄州奥克伍德市学区提醒家长,由于代顿县和蒙哥马利县的病例增加,初中生和高中生可能会接触百日咳(百日咳)。 The Oakwood City School District in Ohio alerted parents of possible whooping cough (pertussis) exposure among junior high and high school students due to rising cases in Dayton and Montgomery County. 这种高度传染性疾病通过咳嗽和打喷嚏传播。 This highly contagious disease spreads through coughing and sneezing. 卫生官员建议将接种疫苗作为最好的预防措施。 Health officials recommend vaccinations as the best preventive measure. 建议父母注意症状,将有症状的儿童留在家中。 Parents are advised to watch for symptoms and keep symptomatic children home.