约旦国王反对收留流离失所的巴勒斯坦人, 拒绝美国在会见特朗普后的提议。 King of Jordan opposes taking in displaced Palestinians, rejecting U.S. proposal after meeting Trump.
约旦国王在与特朗普会晤后表示,约旦反对加沙巴勒斯坦人流离失所。 After meeting with Trump, Jordan's King stated that his country opposes the displacement of Palestinians in Gaza. 这是在报告表明美国提议约旦接收从加沙迁出的巴勒斯坦人之后提出的。 This comes after reports suggested the U.S. had proposed Jordan take in Palestinians removed from Gaza. 国王的立场表明约旦拒绝支持这种举动。 The King's stance signals Jordan's refusal to support such a move.