中国特种部队尽管有所扩张,但被问及在潜在的台湾入侵中是否准备就绪。 China's special forces, despite expansion, are questioned for their readiness in a potential Taiwan invasion.
中国特种部队虽然扩大,但在入侵台湾时面临重大挑战,包括作战经验有限,缺乏与美国相似的精英部队。 China's special forces, though expanded, face significant challenges in an invasion of Taiwan, including limited combat experience and a lack of elite units comparable to those of the US. 由于依靠应征士兵和严格的指挥结构,它们的有效性受到质疑。 Their effectiveness is questioned due to reliance on conscripts and a rigid command structure. 这些因素可能严重影响其业绩和入侵计划的成功。 These factors could crucially impact their performance and the success of any invasion plan.