五角大楼提议扩大美国特别行动指挥部的作用, 训练台湾进行中国侵略。 The Pentagon proposes expanding US Special Operations Command's role to train Taiwan for Chinese aggression.
五角大楼寻求扩大美国特种作战司令部在训练包括台湾在内的美国盟友国家以应对中国潜在侵略方面的作用。 The Pentagon seeks to expand the US Special Operations Command's role in training US-aligned nations, including Taiwan, for potential Chinese aggression. 目前的限制限制特别操作人员参加反恐、禁毒和边境安全任务。 Current limitations restrict special operators to counterterrorism, counter-narcotics, and border security missions. 新提案将允许特种作战司令部为台湾等外国伙伴提供抵抗和外国内部防御以应对未来威胁的训练和装备,加强台湾的防御并为中国的侵略做好准备。 The new proposal would allow SOCOM to train and equip foreign partners, like Taiwan, for resistance and foreign internal defense against future threats, enhancing Taiwan's defense and preparing it for Chinese aggression.