不列颠哥伦比亚省调查因邮政罢工造成社会援助延迟付款,影响到弱势个人。 British Columbia investigates delayed social assistance payments due to postal strike, affecting vulnerable individuals.
不列颠哥伦比亚省监察员Jay Chalke正在调查由于加拿大《邮报》罢工而推迟发放数千张社会援助支票的情况。 British Columbia's ombudsperson, Jay Chalke, is investigating the delayed distribution of thousands of social assistance cheques due to the Canada Post strike. 许多收入支票和残疾支票没有兑现,使弱势个人在节日期间没有食物和住房资金。 Many income and disability cheques were not delivered, leaving vulnerable individuals without funds for food and shelter during the holiday season. 调查将评估该部的应急计划和为在没有邮寄服务的情况下发放支票采取的步骤。 The investigation will assess the ministry's contingency plan and steps taken to distribute cheques without mail service. Chalke敦促政府拿出一个计划, 如果罢工继续下去, Chalke urges the government to show a plan for better results if the strike continues.