对不列颠哥伦比亚省学校学生被排斥的指控展开调查,重点是包容性。 Inquiry launched into allegations of student exclusion in British Columbia schools, focusing on inclusivity.
不列颠哥伦比亚省监察员Jay Chalke正在调查一些投诉,这些投诉称一些学生,特别是残疾或破坏行为的学生,被排斥在公立学校之外,有可能使他们得不到教育。 British Columbia's Ombudsperson Jay Chalke is investigating complaints that some students, particularly those with disabilities or disruptive behavior, are being excluded from public schools, potentially leaving them without instruction. 这项调查将评估教育部和各学区在支持包容性教育方面的作用。 The investigation will assess the roles of the Ministry of Education and school districts in supporting inclusive education. 学生和家庭可在4月1日前通过保密问卷调查或直接访谈作出贡献。 Students and families can contribute by April 1 through a confidential questionnaire or direct interviews.