教科文组织承认爱尔兰修建干石墙是受保护的文化遗产。 UNESCO recognizes Ireland's dry stone wall construction as a protected cultural heritage.
教科文组织在受保护的文化遗产清单中增加了爱尔兰传统的干石墙建筑。 UNESCO has added Ireland's traditional dry stone wall construction to its list of protected cultural heritages. 这种古老的做法涉及建造没有迫击炮的墙墙,在几个欧洲国家中与类似传统同时得到承认。 This ancient practice involves building walls without mortar and is recognized alongside similar traditions in several European countries. 教科文组织在巴拉圭举行的一次会议上确认了这一认识,这是保护和提高对全球文化遗产做法的认识的努力的一部分。 The recognition occurred at a UNESCO meeting in Paraguay and is part of an effort to safeguard and raise awareness of global cultural heritage practices.