前冷战核掩体在贝尔法斯特 存放北爱尔兰的历史记录 Former Cold War nuclear bunker in Belfast to house Northern Ireland's historical records.
1952年在贝尔法斯特建造的原核掩体将成为北爱尔兰历史环境记录(HERONI)的档案。 A former nuclear bunker built in Belfast in 1952 is set to become an archive for the Historic Environment Record of Northern Ireland (HERoNI). 该掩体是为冷战民防设计,从未使用,现在将储存历史记录,包括涉及北爱尔兰遗产的数据库、地图、照片和数字材料。 Designed for Cold War civil defense, the bunker was never used and will now store historical records including databases, maps, photos, and digital material covering Northern Ireland's heritage. 最近的一项调查绘制了4 500个防御工地的网络,掩体厚厚的墙壁和稳定的环境使它成为存档的理想。 Part of a network of 4,500 defense sites mapped in a recent survey, the bunker's thick walls and stable environment make it ideal for archiving.