教科文组织承认传统的中国木头大桥建造为非物质文化遗产。 UNESCO recognizes traditional Chinese wooden arch bridge construction as Intangible Cultural Heritage.
教科文组织在其人类非物质文化遗产清单中增加了传统的中国木头拱桥设计和建筑。 UNESCO has added traditional Chinese wooden arch bridge design and construction to its list of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. 这种承认突出了桥梁的文化意义,并旨在为子孙后代保存这些建筑奇迹。 This recognition highlights the bridges' cultural significance and aims to preserve these architectural marvels for future generations. 包容性还强调了传统手工艺在现代社会的重要性。 The inclusion also emphasizes the importance of traditional craftsmanship in modern society.