中国Xissia墓穴的考古发现凸显了先进的古老洪水控制系统,吸引了访客。 Archaeological discoveries in China's Xixia Tombs highlight advanced ancient flood control systems and draw visitors.
中国Xixia帝国墓穴的考古发现揭示了来自Xixia王朝的先进的洪水控制系统和文化遗产。 Archaeological findings in China's Xixia Imperial Tombs reveal advanced flood control systems and cultural heritage from the Xixia Dynasty. 这些墓穴由唐古特人建造,展示了复杂的工程技术,包括目前仍在运作的32个防洪地点。 Built by the Tangut people, the tombs showcase sophisticated engineering, including 32 flood control sites still functional today. 保存努力和教育方案,如纪录片和讲习班,吸引了178 000多名游客,突显了该区域的历史意义。 Preservation efforts and educational programs, such as documentaries and workshops, have attracted over 178,000 visitors, highlighting the region's historical significance.